Saturday, May 29, 2010


My parents are visiting this weekend, so I haven't had time for thinking about blogging, and it would be hard to explain the taking of Look Up photos since they don't know about this blog, and I'd kind of like to keep it that way.

Therefore, I'm once again resorting to the archives. These photos are from a walk we took when J-cub was teeny-tiny, and from when we didn't know any better and were still using the BabyBjorn carrier (with lots of resulting painful necks and backs).

It was springtime, and most of last Spring passed by in a haze of sleep-deprivation and gradually-building depression. It was Winter when I went into labour, and I barely noticed Spring appearing as I couldn't walk for ages and spent most of the time indoors with the blinds pulled shut (having your boobs out 24/7 will do that to you). On the occasional day that I did venture outside, like in these photos, I was pretty much blinded by the sunlight and amazed at the new green leaves appearing everywhere.

On this occasion, we went for a walk through the woods in the brilliant sunshine, with J-cub sleeping happily all the way. In those days, he'd fall asleep the moment he was put in the sling, it was lovely. There are several attempts at taking a photo of the three of us together, and I love the one above. I'm sad that I don't remember so much of last year, and that what I do remember is triggered by photographs. I'm glad I have the photos or I'd have no memories at all, but it would just be nice if my brain hadn't shut down to such an extent that I've blanked everything out.

In this set of photos, there are several of Jamie looking up at a tree. I don't remember why, but I'm sure he had a good reason at the time.

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