Voting through the ages - J-cub accompanying me into the polling booth aged 2 months, 14 months and 26 months.
I'm just catching International Babywearing week by the very skin of my teeth. The irony being, of course, that I haven't slung J-cub this week, or even for the memorable past. He walks around 2 miles a day quite happily, only requesting "Nicking him up Mummy!" if we come across a particularly deep patch of mud or thicket of brambles that he just can't splosh or fight through.
And whilst I miss his closeness, and the happiness that having him chattering over my shoulder gives me, I'm just as happy to see him haring off down a path, legs going like pistons, because he's seen the glint of a puddle in the distance or a bird has just flown away and he wants to talk to it. He's growing up, and I'm slowly selling or packing away or lending out my slings.
Of course, having said that, I'm sure he'll now demand to be carried everywhere for the next few weeks.
So, without further ado, the various slings which have enabled our babywearing journey in all their glory....
#1 - The BabyBjorn
Often referred to (in babywearing circles, anyway) as what I used when I didn't know better. Knowing that Jamie has back issues, we elected to get the BabyBjorn Active, which is supposed to do all kinds of clever weight-spreading things, so that the user is as comfortable as possible and the weight doesn't put any strain where it shouldn't. Unfortunately, these types of mass-produced carriers do just that. They seem to hang the weight off your shoulders and neck, rather than distributing it around your waist - even a simple home-made Mei Tai is infinitely better engineered when it comes to weight-distribution. Jamie actually found it comfortable until he fell down the stairs and had to stop carrying, but the first time I put it on (J-cub weighed 17lbs, I recall) I felt like he was literally hanging on a strap round my neck, and I had terrible shoulder-strain for the next few days. It may be that we had not adjusted it correctly - but bearing in mind I can now carry a 3 stone toddler for hours with ease, I do think that these types of carriers don't built on the centuries of available experience in slinging babies. They also don't allow the baby to be carried with their knees higher than their bum, which prevents too much pressure being placed on their spine - more traditional carriers give knee-to-knee support which is a much more natural position for the baby to be in. Slingguide.co.uk has some fantastic information on the different types of carriers, and puts across their viewpoints about BabyBjorn-type carriers here.
#2 - The Infantino Side-Rider
(See start of post for picture - on the left.)
Note: still available to buy if anyone wants it - I haven't got round to ebaying this yet.
I picked this up in TK Maxx (which quite often has good branded carriers at loooow prices) to see if it was more comfortable than the BB. It was, allowing me to breastfeed while I hung the washing on the line, and J-cub slept quite happily in it while I pottered around the house. It was like a revelation to me. I was constantly worried he was going to fall out or his head was going to fall off though - I wish I'd had something more secure at that time as it might have brought me round to full-time sling-use a lot earlier.
#3 - The Mei Tai
On holiday in Pembrokeshire, tickling J-cub's feet to keep him awake 'til we got home.
As a result of my success with the Infantino, but wanting something a bit more secure and multi-functional, I started Googling (ahhh, if only I'd found the Natural Mamas forum at that point. I'll just insert that there, in case you're getting bored. LOADS of info there). I found some recommendations and a sewing tutorial to make a Mei Tai - a traditional Asian carrier. I told my mum I was planning on cracking open the sewing machine and giving it a go, but she kindly read through the instructions and suggested it might be a little beyond my modest skills. She spirited the printed instructions away and returned with a Mei Tai a few weeks later.
I fell in love with it straight away - it was so comfortable, so easy to use, and I started using it all the time. In fact I continued using it right up to about a year ago, when I realised that he was getting a bit big for it. It's now out on loan to the lovely Emily at The Tangled Yarn, although I'll be demanding it back (or getting my mum to make me a new one) if (ha!) and when baby #2 comes along.
#4 - The woven wrap - Girasol

Lots of people go a bit mental with the wraps, ending up with cabinets full of them (which, to give them their due, they do use) as they come in several different lengths, and obviously the available colourways across all the different manufacturers are numerous. I can't afford to be doing that, so I went for a bog-standard, cheap-as-chips, second-hand Girasol Laguuni to start with. And, to be fair, I got it right first time. Nothing else I've tried can beat it for softness and supportiveness. It's definitely a keeper. But see, if it gets dirty, you need another one to use while it's in the wash...
#5 - The woven wrap - Storchenwiege
So I succumbed and got myself a spare - going for a Storchenwiege Inka which I'd been lusting after for weeks. I always thought of this as my workhorse wrap - I was happy for it to get muddy and sandy and to be used for swinging on or as a roof for a den...
and I loved it while it was here, but I wanted something prettier. So I sold it. And that makes me kind of sad, now. I miss it :(
#6 - The Ring Sling

#7 - The REAL Ring Sling

#8 - The Shorty

(Oh, it's a BB Slen in Green Peas, if you're interested).
#9 - The Soft-Structured Carrier (SSC)

And finally...
#10 - The woven wrap - Didymos or FISHIES!
Hoernum Fische (above) and Petrol Fische (below)

So of course I wanted my own, sold my Inka and some other stuff, and bought myself some petrol-coloured ones. They're beautiful. Of course, this was around the time that J-cub decided he didn't actually want to be slung any more, thank you very much, so this one has not seen much love. And therefore might be sold on before too long, as I feel a bit guilty having that much expensive fabric sitting around doing nothing. But I'm glad I got to own them, I've scratched all of my babywearing itches, and I'm 100% more prepared for slinging a baby second time around.
To conclude, slinging rocks. The happy, knowing smile when you see a fellow sling-user checking you out; the cuddles; being able to use stairs and go off-road and on-beach; not having to find a place for a buggy in the house or car (ours has been languishing in the garage for nearly a year, with just a solitary outing to the zoo in April to boast about); and the never-ending chatter in your ear.
Such as, when I was standing on a narrow pavement in my local town, waiting to use a cashpoint. There were two cashpoints; one was out of order, and beeping to indicate there was a problem, and the other was being used by a lady. I walked up to the first, realised it wasn't working, so turned to queue at the second. J-cub said something along the lines of "Beep! Is beeping! Beep beep!" and I replied "Beep beep! It's doing BIG beeping, isn't it? Beeeeeeep!". At which point the poor woman in front of me, who'd finished her transaction, hadn't seen J-cub on my back in the sling and obviously thought I was talking to her, turned to me kindly and said "Yes, it is doing big beeping, isn't it dear?"
I like how your blog has organically developed! And I see that sling journey.. We went Elastic wrap ==> BB ==> Expensive but uncomfy ring sling ==> Manduca. I love the Manduca and we pretty much live in it.. But maybe I should get a woven wrap? You know, just the one..?
(Scotrail from the BLW site)
How fascinating, and oooh! I *am* glad you're back in the blogosphere! You never know, maybe you'll inspire *me* to update and start posting again... :D Thanks for your in-depth tour of your sling journey, I must admit I feel quite out of my depth. Though I am still *totally* into your Mei Tai, and find it to be extremely comfortable and easy to use - thanks Beth's mum! Love to you lot, looking forward to More Posts! XXX
I've had both the BB type and the ring slong and I'm sad to say me and the girls didnt take to them. Tho Tilly has had a few naps in our BB style one, but is getting too heavy even at 12lbs for me to carry in a sling and carry on with odd jobs (my bones are weary and sore still and i overcompensate by leaning back when they are on my front) I found both my girls were (and are) shoulder girls, and that's how they like to be! Maybe someone will invent a sling which allows babies to lie over mummy's shoulder and my little tilly bud will be very happy indeed!)
I love your pics tho, he looks so comfy and i am a little envious that i never got on with mine. And unfortunately my sewing skills (or lack of!) will never allow me to make a mei tai!
I'm so sorry, I meant to pop it in the post after our failed meet up attempt. Will get on it ASAP but you know how things are at the mo...
Beth I am glad that you posted about slings. You must have read my mind. It was something that I was desperate to do, but missed out on with having two so this time round the plan is to have a pretty basic pushchair and sling sling sling (without it costing me too much money) so I am after your advice on the best allrounder that will last.
Thanks lovely
Issi - No rush for the RS! Honestly, you hang on to it as long as you need it x.
Rach - "This time around..." - Have I missed something??!?!?!?! Congratulations! Muchos squeeeeeeing from me ;) xxxx
You've not really missed any obvious announcement as blog post isn't finished so haven't published it yet. Have just briefly mentioned it on the May due date thread on V and I have a ticker, but yes am 12+2 with nothing short of a miracle so the more sling advice you can give me the better ;)
Oh that's lovely, I obv haven't seen any posts from you on V lately as I hadn't seen your ticker! Yay! WRT best allrounder, it depends entirely what you want. About the only type I haven't tried is a stretchy (like a Moby), which are supposed to be best for newborns as you can tie them on in the morning (search on youtube for instructinos) and then pop baby in and out all day as required. With a woven wrap, you have to rewrap each time, which wouldn't bother me because I'm used to it, but it might be a bit of a nightmare learning it with a newborn. You could also use a soft-structured carrier with a newborn insert (like an Ergo, I think, or a Connecta), which would be your best bet for a long-term really good carrier, though I don't speak from personal experience. There's loads of info on slingguide or natural mamas, you might want to join the forum there and ask for advice, or try asking on the BLW forum as there's lots of cross-over! HTH hun x
Aww thanks for that lovely. Its unchartered territory for me so was unsure where to start.
Really interesting post, thank you.
So, really truly honestly, are you telling me that if I splashed out on a woven wrap it would help me get some of my babywearing mojo back? I was gutted when the sausage got too heavy for the Moby, and my beautiful ring sling has only ever been good for very short wears for us, and while he adores being in the Manduca I don't seem to be able to use it for more than a couple of hours without paying for it in backache the next day - and he's only 18lb so we've some way to go!
I'd love "permission" to get a woven one....
Hi Helen - sorry only just seen your comment. Yes, a woven would get your bw mojo back ;). Do it! I didn't get my first until JC was around 18 months old, and it was like a revelation. Strechies are really only suitable while they're smaller, as you won't get the support needed when they get bigger, and obviously ring slings put the weight on one side so it's not ideal for longer carriers. I've never tried a manduca though I've heard good things about them - if you're finding it hurts it might be worth finding a slingmeet near you to get the fit adjusted. The natural mamas forum is great for that kind of advice, you could post a picture of it on and they would advise on the fit and how to make it more comfortable. Then you could pop over to the FSOT (for sale or trade) board and snap yourself up a nice pre-loved woven :D. It's better to get a used one as it'll be broken in and easier to use. And cheaper ;). Good luck! Keep me posted. xxxx
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