Friday, April 20, 2012

Real Nappy Week 2012

I'm cutting it fine again with my Real Nappy Week post this year; I've been following (and entering) all the competitions and gossip with avid interest but as usual, my plan for a nice week of cloth nappy related posts has been scuppered by my ever-present laziness.

We had a(nother) brief foray into potty training last week - Jacob is now 3 and I'm really feeling the peer pressure to get him out of nappies.  But I just don't think he's ready.  He hates not having a nappy on, and if I try to get him to run around naked for a bit, he just glues himself to the potty and stays there until I have to (literally) peel him off.  And doesn't produce anything while he's there.  So I'm trying to accept that he's just doing this late, and it's only a couple of months until I (gasp) finish my job and have endless summer days to turn him out bare-bottomed into the garden, and let him get on with it.

In the meantime, he's grown out of our trusty Motherease One-Size (MEOS), so I've spent this week digging through my various boxes of nappies and finding some size 3s which I had hidden away.  He still fits into our Bumgenius v3s and v4s and we got some cheap pockets from Tiny Nippers, which are fantastic quality, super-cool prints (Jacob's been carrying his new ones round and begging me to prewash them so he can wear them) and we've not had a single leak with them.  We do stuff them with an extra insert though, to be on the safe side.

Finally, I got some Tots Bots fluffles from a recent NCT sale, and they are gorgeous.  Jacob even gave one to Tilly to cuddle, which is about the highest form of recognition he can offer ;)

Check out this cute bum...

I've been promising my up-the-duff sister to write out some instructions on how to wash cloth nappies, so I'll try and squeeze a post on that lovely topic in before malaise overtakes me again.
