Over the last couple of weeks, Jacob has developed a burning passion for Science. I'm struggling to recall exactly how it came about, but each and every day I have around twenty-billion requests of "Can we do some more Science please Mummy?".
So far, we've done lots of bubble blowing (experimenting with different-sized and shaped wands), colour mixing, gravity (with a slinky on the stairs - didn't really work as the slinky was a cheap plastic one. The real ones are surprisingly pricey) and water (pouring and measuring and bubbles and more pouring and splashing and pouring). We also have 'science baths', where we hypothesise what kind of objects will sink or float, and then try them out. Again and again and again.
I've been researching science materials and activities online, and it seems pretty much anything with an element of discovery can fall into this category for preschoolers. There's a great resource of activities here at Productive Parenting, where you can choose your child's age and the learning category and get a list of activities from their library. Pre-kinders has a load of great ideas and some printable materials. I've started pinning some bits and bobs to my Preschool Science pinboard but haven't found much yet.
Of course, the best resource of all is the They Might Be Giants CD and DVD 'Here Comes Science'. I could happily watch this all day.
Mostly, we're just having fun, and it's great having a focus to fill our days. We try and get out for a nature walk in the woods that surround our house most days, where we can look at the weather, the seasons, learn about plants, and chuck stuff in the river to see if it floats or sinks (this is a very popular activity). On Thursday, we set off into a slightly damp day, one of us sensibly bringing an umbrella along. By the time we'd walked for 45 minutes and got a good couple of miles away from the house, the heavens opened and it POURED down. Jacob looked down at my jeans, which were soaked from the knees down, and said "Mummy, I think we need to go to a waterproof shop and get you some waterproof trousers when we get home". In his wellies and full waterproofs, he was happy to skip along in the ditches beside the path, splish-splash-splosh-splishing to his heart's content.
When we got home, we stripped off, wrapped ourselves in towels, and had some hot chocolate. I've just found out that my over-the-road neighbour is going to be homeschooling her daughter. Right now, I'm pretty jealous of them. I could get used to this.
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